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Beachlands, Maraetai and Whitford communities

The servicing strategy sets out the long-term vision to ensure we continue to provide safe and reliable services to communities.

Beachlands and Maraetai are located about 24km east of central Auckland, along Whitford-Maraetai Road. Whitford is situated about 5km east of south Auckland's Flat Bush, and all areas are in the Franklin Local Board area. The Beachlands and Maraetai communities have a combined population of around 9600 and Whitford has 3000. We currently provide wastewater (sewage) services for areas, but not water.

We have been meeting with community members to discuss the future infrastructure needs of the area. Careful planning for growth will be important to the prosperity and wellbeing of the area and the health of the Beachlands, Maraetai and Whitford communities. When we are considering future demand for water and wastewater services as part of the servicing strategy, it is important to think about not just the next 25 years of growth, but how we are going to provide long-term sustainable services for at least the next 70 years. Why? Well, assets like pipelines, pumps and treatment plants have to be built to last and operate effectively for the long term. We need to have robust discussions with people about the future they want and are willing to pay for.

Servicing strategy discussion document

We have created this strategy to provide a basis for a constructive conversation about planning for longer-term water and wastewater solutions in Beachlands, Maraetai and Whitford. It is complex and there are many trade-offs to consider, but with good information we can make the best investment decisions together to support the community and protect the environment.

The servicing strategy is a living document that sets out the long-term plan to ensure we continue to provide safe and reliable water and wastewater services. It is intended to help support meaningful conversations. As it is refined and developed over time, it will help guide where we invest to ensure our network continues to operate reliably and protect the environment as the community grows and the climate changes.

Sharing the strategy gives us a reference point to guide our continued conversation with the community. We have attempted to write it in a way that means everyone can access this servicing strategy and understand the complex water and wastewater issues, opportunities in the Beachlands, Maraetai and Whitford Village, and our approach to addressing them. We also want to hear your feedback on whether this is a sound strategy, whether there are better ideas, and anything we may have missed. This strategy will prepare us and your communities for the complex conversations we need to have about water and wastewater services. We are committed to transparency and accountability. We are happy to be challenged and encourage you to share ideas for improvement.

Have a question or suggestion?

Contact us at [email protected]

Let's work together to build a better future for Beachlands, Maraetai and Whitford.